Welcome to Tokyo

 Welcome to Tokyo

We made it to Japan! In the afternoon of June 9th, we finally arrived in Tokyo Japan. With two full days of experience in Japan, I'm excited to update you all! 

First of all, meet the team! Pictured from left to right we have Jenna, Kali, myself, John, Emily, our two site leaders Adam and Kim, and finally Henry on the far right.  Monday through Wednesday my team, along with other teams going to different locations, met at Moody Bible Institute for orientation and missionary training. Finally, on Thursday morning we flew out to Tokyo with only one layover. A total of 16 hours in the air!

These last two days have been busy! From moving into our Airbnb and adjusting to a new culture, we have been able to tour the city, try lots of new yummy food, and even attend a Japanese church service. We have lots planned for the rest of the week. 

Again, I want to thank you all so much for your prayer and support. 

Prayer Requests

Luke 10:2 Pray that there would be more missionaries sent out into the world to spread the gospel
Pray for health as we embark on this new journey
Pray that God would soften the hearts of the Japanese people to be open to his good news


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