June 25- July 1: Week Three Recap


Week Three Recap

We made it halfway! Week three is done. Let's recap this week. Beginning with our day of rest on Sunday, a few of us on the team went to church at Musashino EFCJ in Kichijoji to listen to Shige (ReachGlobal Tokyo City Team co-leader) deliver the message at a Japanese church. The rest of the day we spent exploring Kichijoji. Later in the day, I met with ReachGlobal missionary Sarah over dinner. There she shared her testimony and her heart for missions in Japan. During this time, my eyes were opened to the desperate need for Jesus in the hearts of the Japanese people. First-world country or not, these people need Jesus just as much as everyone else does. 

On Monday, we started the day by handing out flyers at the Waseda University street corner. These flyers were advertising an American-themed Fourth of July party. The party was hosted by the Story House club at Waseda and all students were invited. In the afternoon, we had our first official Japanese lesson at Hoshien Campus at Waseda. During our one-hour time slot with Saito Sensei, we began learning the basics of the Japanese language. After lessons, we were able to meet up with Mark Kato who is the College-aged Missions Director with Apex Missions. That evening the Apex team took Mark to the top of the Tokyo Tower! Below was our view from the tower.

Tuesday began with PrayYamanote where we spent two hours in intensive prayer over the city. After lunch, we headed over to the Lee's home for a gospel training presentation. 

On Wednesday, I was able to meet and talk with Jo Beth, who is John Lee's wife, and hear all about her testimony and calling to Japan. After that, I joined the Apex team at the Hoshien campus for Japanese lessons. Later we handed out flyers for a little bit before we had the fun opportunity of joining the Lee family for Karaoke in Ikebukuro. Below is a photo of John and Henry advertising our party and handing out flyers. 

Thursday started off with a team devotional at ReachGlobal missionary Melanie's home. Melanie is pictured on the far right of the photo below. 

We spent the afternoon on Thursday at UniCafe where we hung out with Waseda student, Alex. Later in the afternoon, we joined in 5-minute English with the IMB missionaries. 5-minute English consists of standing on the street corner outside the Waseda campus right when classes get out. Kali and I partnered together where we held a posterboard in Japanese saying "Got 5 minutes? Practice English for free" along with a couple of flyers advertising the StoryHouse club. With just the two of us, we were approached by two Waseda students whom we got to know a little during that time. The rest of our team met several new students as well through 5-minute English. 

On Friday we had our weekly debrief along with prepping food for our American-themed Fourth of July party the next day. This week John and Henry had their turn to attend Communitas. This week's Communitas had one of the biggest turnouts yet pictured below. 

The big day arrived! On Saturday we had our Fourth of July party at Bread of Life church near Waseda. Each of us Apexers invited everyone we had met and eagerly expected to see them. While not everyone we had invited showed up, we had a huge showing of friends and new students. Many of the new students were connected by mutual friends while others were recipients of the flyers we had handed out earlier this week. The party was filled with food, fun, and friends. Lots of laughter was shared while many new friendships were made. 

Thank you all for your prayers and support!


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